Tuesday, July 1, 2008


One of the requirements for my internship (given to me by OU) is that I keep a daily log of what I do every day on the job. At first I thought it would be super easy, since I planned on blogging every day anyway. But I don't like to write about work, simply because I don't usually do anything more than sit in front of the computer and design web pages. But, for the sake of my OU professors and advisors (and so I wont have to write it all later), here is a rundown of the last three days of work.

Friday was a productive day. Actually, every day is a productive day.

I delivered a letter to an office building up on 8th Ave and 59th Street. I hadn't walked north of 54th on 8th Ave before, so it was a fun trip. I like going places in the city I haven't been before (which is a lot of places). The more I see of NYC as I walk around, the more I like it.

On Friday I also finished creating all the web pages, which means that in one week I have made over 100 web pages. Granted, most are templates so all I do is copy, paste, insert words, repeat. Or, to speed up the process, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Page Up, insert text, repeat. I have gotten amazingly proficient using as many shortcut keys as possible. Too bad my laptop is a Mac and not a PC.

On Monday I got to run another errand. I enjoy running errands. They make me feel important. This one was particularly fun, because after I went to the designated office and picked up the designated package, I took a little detour on my way back to the office and bought myself a cupcake.

The girl from OU who interned with CNAM last summer told me that while I was in NYC, I just had to check out this place called Burgers and Cupcakes. She said that, while the burgers were good, this place made the most amazing cupcakes in the entire world. She said they were so scrumptious that she would go there every day after work on her way home to buy one.

I figured that such a strong recommendation as this couldn't be overlooked (even if I wasn't much of a cupcake person), so I finally took the time to hunt down the cupcake store. At first I wasn't impressed. The diner was like any other little NYC diner, and the lady at the cash register spent the first five minutes I was there on the phone talking to someone. But when she finally did get off the phone, she was very nice and apologetic, and helped me choose a cupcake out of the many, many choices.

After much deliberation, I settled on a red velvet cupcake. I reluctantly paid more than I had originally planned and had it wrapped up so I could enjoy it at the office. While walking back, I do have to admit that I looked down at that little cupcake with no small amount of scepticism. I wondered, was this small frosting-covered bakery item really worth the two dollars and fifty cents?

Yes. Yes it was.

That little red velvet yumminess was the most incredibly delicious cupcake I have ever tasted. Ever.

Its a really good thing I didn't discover Burgers and Cupcakes until now, because otherwise I would have been in danger of spending all my money on cupcakes and not Broadway shows. As it is, I will have to exercise a large amount of self-control to not stray south towards 9th Ave and 36th Street. I wouldn't be able to resist being in such close proximity to such heavenly goodies.

Lets see... yesterday was also spent finishing the web pages (or so I thought). Unfortunately, when I was mass-producing all those pages, I didn't stop after a couple and have Louis take a look at them. I just made them all, assuming that their format would be okay.

So I had created every single page (and uploaded them all to the server) before finding out that they all needed a different font size and more links on each page. Woops. Because of that seemingly little mistake, I spent all Monday opening each and every file, changing the font size in each font box, and then re-uploading each page to the server. An entire day of mindless work for which there were no shortcut keys.

But at the end of the day, I was feeling pretty good because I thought I was done with them completely.


.tuesday. today.
Today I spent my day inserting more links on each and every page. But now I do think I am done for good. Until Louis sees something else that needs to be fixed.

Around 1:30 or so, everyone leaves the office and then brings their lunch back here to eat. It is one of my favorite parts of the day because we get to sit around and chat with the guys about film stuff. Every morning I try to think of different things to ask them about their jobs and the film industry. I enjoy their insights and stories so much that when for some reason we don't eat lunch together, its a bit of a disappointment.

Today we talked about AVID vs. Final Cut (two film editing software programs). And we talked about new and obsolete technology (like how the first film they produced in the early 90s was on a computer that could only handle 2 GB max and no other programs besides the editing software). And how everything in the future will be on the internet. Everything.

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About Me

... A few thoughts to pass the time...